Wednesday, April 13, 2016

books read in April 2016

Fiction is in red. Date of first publication in (parentheses).

11. The Madwoman Upstairs, Catherine Lowell (2016) (poorly written, and DREADFULLY inaccurate in nearly every Bronte detail)
12. Hold Tight Gently: Michael Callen, Essex Hemphill, and the Battlefield of AIDS, Martin Duberman (2014)
13. Maskerade, Terry Pratchett (1995) (first reread in quite a long while)
14. Downfall of the Gods, K.J. Parker (2016)
15. Daughter of Hounds, Caitlin R. Kiernan (2007) (reread)
16. Them: Adventures with Extremists, Jon Ronson (2001) (v funny but ultimately too shallow for its subject, just like the public shaming book)

all 2016 booklist posts