Monday, December 12, 2016

books read in December 2016

Fiction is in red. Date of first publication in (parentheses).

79. The Elephant in the Room: A Journey into the Trump Campaign and the “Alt-Right” (Kindle Single), Jon Ronson (2016)
80. How to Survive a Plague: The Inside Story of How Citizens and Science Tamed AIDS, David France (2016) (superb, even better than the film)
81. A Life Discarded: 148 Diaries Found in a Skip, Alexander Masters (2016) (intriguing but disappointing)
82. Raising Demons, Shirley Jackson (1957) (reread)
83. Last Summer at Mars Hill, Elizabeth Hand (1994)
84. The Godmother, Elizabeth Scarborough (1994) (awful)
85. Wylding Hall, Elizabeth Hand (2015)
86. The Dark is Rising, Susan Cooper (1973) (reread)
87. The Dark is Rising: The Complete Sequence, Susan Cooper (1994)
88. The Big Time, Fritz Leiber (1958) (reread)
89. The Weaver and the Factory Maid (Ringan Laine, 1), Deborah Grabien (2003) (nothing but charming, and sadly long, long out of print)
90.  The Door in the Hedge, Robin McKinley (1981) (reread)

all 2016 booklist posts