Thursday, March 14, 2013


The Infinite Jest liveblog
(Ah, the end of IJ. "I threw the book across the room!" "It was like waiting for your friend to give you a dead arm and instead taking a brick to the face." Or simply, "AAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH.")

(You wanna know what the end of IJ means? I studied conic geometry and calculus a little at SJC, so I can actually tell you. IT'S A TANGENT. No, that's not a joke. Go look it up.)

Salinger's early Holden Caufield stories. Hmm, the book is a buck-ninety-nine? I might get this.

Interview with Anne Carson! sort of. Her emails sound brilliant.

Fuck yeah Tin House and Granta. They will be getting some of my money.