Tuesday, March 3, 2015

'When Mentally Ill Students Feel Alone' - the Atlantic

I personally just dropped out of my grad school program after getting inadequate (and really expensive) "mental health care" from the student health center, which I mainly couldn't afford -- at the time, Prozac cost $120 for one month, and the insurance only reimbursed me half over a month after payment. So most of the time, I couldn't take it. I didn't commit suicide (this was 1996 or so), but it was a pretty close thing. (Nobody asked why I was leaving, or tried to figure out a way to help me stay, either -- "goodbye and good luck" was pretty much it.)

The debate at Yale comes at a time when mental-health issues are on the rise at schools nationwide. A recent UCLA survey of more than 150,000 college freshmen nationwide found that nearly 10 percent of respondents had "frequently" felt depressed in the past year, up from 6.1 percent in 2010; additionally, respondents rated their emotional health at an average of 50 percent, the lowest level in the survey’s five-decade-old history. Likewise, in 2012, the Association for University and College Counseling Directors revealed that 70 percent of officials who completed its annual member survey said that the number of students on their campus with "severe psychological problems" had increased since the year before. It’s worth noting that at Yale, nearly 40 percent of undergraduates use the school’s mental-health resources before graduating—a demand that, some students claim, has caused long wait-times for appointments and is believed to take a toll on the quality of care.