Wednesday, October 30, 2013

....and speaking of stigma and shame!

Latuda antipsychotic site artwork:

They APPARENTLY changed it, because that banner is gone (bless you right-click-save-file!), and now the artwork on the tab for 'professionals' (non-crazy doctors) and 'our patients' (desperate crazy people and their even more desperate caretakers) is similar. Sort of. But this is still pretty awful:

And this is the page for patients (i.e. desperate whackos). Note the LACK of artwork-effect-ripped-off-from-Claire-Fisher, here. desperate bipolar whackos get NO artwork. EVER GET THE FEELING YOU'VE BEEN CHEATED

(You know, I also deeply resent the idea that we mentally deranged people slob around in ugly maroon hoodies and brown T-shirts. My T-shirts of Depressive Anguish and Suicidal Despair are stylishly black. With slightly less stylish food stains.)