Tuesday, October 22, 2013

the silenced generation

You know, I read articles like this, and half of me wants to weep for her, and the other half is thinking bitterly: welcome to the fucking club. What I'd like to know is where was all this Grand Concern about college grads having to work at Whole Foods or Mickey D's when I graduated from college (92), and then from grad school (98)? Now that it's the Millennial brats of the Boomers who have to face a shitty economy with declining demand, suddenly it's a Terrible Thing. We were the slackers, the twentynothings, the wastoids, the irony addicts stoned on our own apathy. Supposedly. If we didn't have great jobs and health insurance and starter homes, it must be because we didn't truly want them. Because obviously if we had wanted them, we would have worked hard enough. Every single cultural analysis I've ever seen still refers to the Clinton terms as "the boom years." Even Packer in The Unwinding. No, not for everyone....but apparently, it was a boom for the people who mattered.

I was in the 99% before it was trendy! //hipster